Indian Ebony - Diospyros tomentos

Indian Ebony

Botanical name: Diospyros spp.

Origin: India
Weight: 1100Kg/m3
Original sawn tunery squares 25 x 25mm up to 52 x 52mm
Dryness: Kiln dried
Other names: Malabar ebony

Indian ebony is currently exported in small amounts as musical instrument components. The quality of the milling and some of the grading is below our normal standards and the prices reflect this. This is half price ebony.

The mixed grade bags contain random sized turnery squares. Most are free of defects, some will have a little knot, worm hole or other small defect to work around. The ‘C’ grade guitar fingerboards will have a slight deviation from perfect straight grain, a pin knot or a single hairline crack.

Please refer to the Catalogue or Timberline's Shop for up-to-date prices.


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